Business Technology Practitioner Course for BT Designers

Kesto: 1.0 pv
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Kurssia ei ole tällä hetkellä aikataulutettu. Ota yhteyttä ja sovi asiakaskohtainen koulutus.


Attending the Business Technology Standard Practitioner course requires you to have the BT Standard Green Card certification. Please, see the instructions for the BT Standard Green card from MANAGEBT.ORG/TRAINING.

The course is recommended for people who want to:

  • know what different elements of the BT Standard are and how they work together
  • learn how to make use of BT Standard’s models and frameworks
  • take all available materials into use without adjustments

After the course, the participants can take the certification test and after passing the test, the participants get the BT extension materials (as PDFs) according to the list below:

      Extension materials

  • Roles, Skills and Responsibilities
  • Governance levels and Unified End-to-End Flow Governance
  • Operating Model for Data Governance
  • Gate-Based Project Management
  • Sprint-Based Agile Development
  • Service Lifecycle Management
  • Industrialised Service Integration and Management


During this training  you will learn:

  • which elements are needed to take business technology into use in an organisation
  • the purpose of value streams and what types of value streams can be designed
  • how the identity-based BT roles and responsibilities model can be used in practice
  • how to support the minimum viable governance principles with the three-level governance model
  • what is needed to design and implement business-focused governance practices for data management
  • how to use the BT Standard best-practice methodologies and models for end-to-end development
  • how to select the best-fit methodology for the development flows
  • the essential principles and practices for efficient management of services throughout their lifecycle




Ilmoittautuminen on sitova. Mikäli ilmoittautuja ei pääse kurssille, voi hänen sijastaan tulla toinen henkilö. Mikäli ilmoittautumisen peruutus tehdään vähemmän kuin 14 päivää ennen kurssin alkua, veloitamme toimisto- ja varauskuluina 50% kurssimaksusta. Mikäli ilmoittautunut jää saapumatta kurssille ilman peruutusilmoitusta, veloitamme koko osallistumismaksun. Kurssimateriaalin toimittamisesta oppilaalle peruuntumistapauksessa veloitamme lisäksi 100 EUR. Peruutusmaksut veloitetaan myös sairastapauksissa.

BT Forum's Training Centre Malaga
Calle Marques de Larios 4