SAP Finug Hosted by Westernacher 10.10.2023
An automated warehouse? Don’t stop there, automate your yard as well!
Warehouses do have a long history of process automation – a rather new topic is the automation of processes in the yard surrounding the warehouse. A system-based solution is now available with SAP Yard Logistics, seamlessly integrated into the digital supply chain. SAP Yard Logistics offers a variety of tools to reflect, plan, automate and optimize processes with the active involvement of external carriers and truck drivers – the involvement of internal staff in your everyday’ s processes are a thing of the past.
Join our digital webinar to learn how SAP Yard Logistics improves the visibility of processes in your hub and builds the foundation for a holistic improvement of your supply chain performance. Our real-world examples of digital workflows and process automation showcase the possibilities for a future-proof yard.
Westernacher will provide a complete overview on how to leverage SAP Yard Logistics and its toolbox, giving insights to benefits based on project experience and industry feedback.
Matthias Platzer, Practice Director Yard Logistics Europe
Stephan Tüllner, Senior Consultant Yard Logistics
This event is primarily aimed at SAP Finug members, but open for everyone. Please register free of charge using the Register-button above. Participant information will be shared with Westernacher so that the participation in the webinar can be arranged.
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Tilaisuus on avoin kaikille. Liity maksutta yllä olevalla Ilmoittaudu-painikkeella. Ilmoittautuminen Hosted by -webinaariin tapahtuu -sivustolla, jonne voi myös rekisteröityä. Oppia-tunnuksella yhteystietosi pysyvät ajan tasalla ja voit ilmoittautua helposti tuleviin Finug -tilaisuuksiin. Ilmoittautujatieto luovutetaan järjestävän tahon (Westernacher) käyttöön, jotta tapahtumaan osallistuminen voidaan mahdollistaa.
Webinaari-alustana toimii GoToWebinar. Testaathan laitteesi GoToWebinar-yhteyden etukäteen, jotta osallistuminen onnistuu toivotulla tavalla: