SAP Finland & Finug webinar 9.9.2024

Kesto:1 t
Teknologia:Oppia (GoToWebinar)


Maksuton webinaari

How to radically speed up your SAP ERP transformation project with SAP Signavio

With rapid changes and market disruptions, companies must stay agile and adapt fast to new market conditions while listening to customer demands to stay competitive. However, adapting operations and processes quickly and at scale can be challenging because they often have limited visibility into their current operations and processes with little control to drive the change.

Process analysis and mining give companies visibility over current processes and operations, helping them achieve process excellence and enabling an effective transformation.

Join Robert Moberg from SAP to learn how process analysis and mining can:

  • Help you to reduce risk and drive immediate and ongoing value during your transformation
  • Enable you to uncover opportunities to improve performance and efficiency with deep insights and root cause analysis on your data
  • Support you to manage complexity and remain both resilient and agile by improving and innovating continuously


Robert Moberg
Robert Moberg

Robert is based in Stockholm, Sweden, and is a solution advisor at SAP Signavio. Robert brings experience in the area of data mining and machine learning from his previous roles, including companies like SAS Institute, IBM and Tata Consultancy Services. Robert has a degree in Statistics from Linköping University 1996.

Ilmoittautuminen Suomeksi

SAP-webinaari on suunnattu ensisijaisesti Finug -jäsenille, mutta toivotamme tervetulleiksi SAP-asiakkaat, -prospektit ja -kumppanit. Osallistujatiedot luovutetaan yhteistyökumppanin (SAP Finland) käyttöön, jotta webinaariin osallistuminen voidaan järjestää.

Webinaari-alustana toimii GoToWebinar. Testaathan laitteesi GoToWebinar-yhteyden etukäteen, jotta osallistuminen onnistuu toivotulla tavalla:

Ilmoittauduthan viimeistään 9.9.2024 klo 14:30 mennessä.

Register English

This event is primarily aimed at SAP Finug members, but open for everyone. Please register free of charge using the Register-button above. Participant information will be shared with SAP Finland so that the participation in the webinar can be arranged.

Webinar platform is GoToWebinar. Please test your connection in advance:

Please register no later than 9th of September 2024 at 14:30.
