SAP Finug Hosted by Westernacher 10.9.2024

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Teknologia:Oppia (GoToWebinar)


Maksuton webinaari

Business Transformation with SAP Signavio and SAP LeanIX

Welcome to SAP Finug Hosted by Westernacher 10th of September 2024!

Join Westernacher Consulting for an exclusive event on Business Transformation leveraging the capabilities of SAP Signavio and SAP LeanIX. In this event, you will learn how the new SAP Signavio and SAP LeanIX approach can help you kick-start your digital transformation journey by quickly understanding how your business processes are currently running and determining what to keep and what to change. You will also explore how this approach fosters close collaboration between your business and IT departments, shortens time-to-implementation, mitigates project risks, helps manage change, and drives adoption.


  • The role of SAP Signavio within a Business Transformation initiative: SAP Signavio helps you achieve operational excellence by providing a data-driven approach that helps kick-start your transformation projects based on your existing legacy system data.
  • The role of SAP LeanIX within a Business Transformation initiative: SAP LeanIX helps you to effectively manage and reduce the complexity and costs associated with your IT landscape by gaining a clear overview of all applications, their usage, and associated expenses.
  • Combining SAP Signavio and SAP LeanIX for your Business Transformation: Learn how to create synergies and yield business value by combining both business process management (BPM) and enterprise architecture management (EAM) throughout your digital transformation journey.
  • Customer Success Story: Discover how to unleash the full potential of your business transformation based on a customer reference story.


Ingmar Kat
Ingmar Kat, Global Lead | SAP LeanIX, Westernacher Consulting

Johannes Strasser
Johannes Strasser, Global Lead | SAP Signavio, Westernacher Consulting

Register English

This event is primarily aimed at SAP Finug members, but open for everyone. Please register free of charge using the Register-button above. Participant information will be shared with Westernacher so that the participation in the webinar can be arranged.

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Ilmoittautuminen Suomeksi

Tilaisuus on sunnattu SAP Finug jäsenille, mutta avoin kaikille. Liity maksutta yllä olevalla Ilmoittaudu-painikkeella. Ilmoittautuminen Hosted by -webinaariin tapahtuu -sivustolla, jonne voi myös rekisteröityä. Oppia-tunnuksella yhteystietosi pysyvät ajan tasalla ja voit ilmoittautua helposti tuleviin Finug -tilaisuuksiin. Ilmoittautujatieto luovutetaan järjestävän tahon (Westernacher) käyttöön, jotta tapahtumaan osallistuminen voidaan mahdollistaa.

Webinaari-alustana toimii GoToWebinar. Testaathan laitteesi GoToWebinar-yhteyden etukäteen, jotta osallistuminen onnistuu toivotulla tavalla:
