SAP Finug Hosted by Westernacher 26.1.2022
How can SAC and Westernacher help you throttle your CO2 emissions and become carbon neutral?
With climate change as one of the substantial menaces of current times, many companies ask themselves how they can become carbon neutral. As a consulting company, constantly thriving for innovation and excellence and with a focus on solving our customers’ challenges, we came up with a solution that not only improved our CO2 emissions, but helped us to become carbon neutral in record time. This is how we did it – and you can too.
Dr. Mark Mrosek, Practice Director Business Planning & Analytics, Senior Project Manager, Westernacher
Russell Sadd, Practice Lead Business Planning & Analytics, Solution Architect for Financial & Retail Planning, Westernacher
Dr. Oliver Blau, Managing Director, Westernacher
Aki Pousar, General Manager Finland, Westernacher
About Westernacher
- Company Overview
- Our Mission – our Services
- Where we are
Way to CO2 Neutrality
- The Plan
- CO2 Model
- System Landscape
CO2 Monitor
- SAC Live Demo
- Analysis & Measures
First Validation Results
- Finding the right Auditor
- Framework
- First Experiences and next Steps
- Cost and Time Estimate
This webinar is hosted partly in English and partly in Finnish.
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This event is primarily aimed at SAP Finug members, but open for everyone. Please register from the Register-button below. Participant information will be shared with Westernacher so that the participation in the webinar can be arranged.
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Tilaisuus on avoin kaikille. Liity mukaan alla olevalla Ilmoittaudu-painikkeella. Ilmoittautuminen Hosted by -webinaariin tapahtuu -sivustolla, jonne voi myös rekisteröityä. Oppia-tunnuksella yhteystietosi pysyvät ajan tasalla ja voit ilmoittautua helposti tuleviin Finug -tilaisuuksiin. Ilmoittautujatieto luovutetaan järjestävän tahon (Westernacher) käyttöön, jotta tapahtumaan osallistuminen voidaan mahdollistaa.