WakaruDevOps webinar series - Application lifecycle analytics with Splunk

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Organisations joining the “DevOps” movement are facing many challenges and there is one for which Splunk is extremely useful.
This challenge is about monitoring the Delivery Pipeline and more globally about analysing the Application Lifecycle.

Many tools are used to automate the build, the tests and the deployment leading toward quicker development iteration.
And it appears to be very difficult to follow and measure the impact of a change from the time it’s formalised until it’s released into Production.

For sure if this cycle is not properly mastered your Service and your Business will get seriously impacted:
- Applications are updated with defects that can lead to Service unavailability
- If you can’t measure nor understand Business impacts quickly your pipeline slows down, you’ll lose both trust and agility
- Lack in reporting can also lead to compliance issues or worst; security breaches

In this webinar I will discuss how using analytics will help provide real-time visibility to help improve and measure the impact of DevOps-driven application delivery.
Key organizational benefits that I will explore in detail are:
1) How analytics help improve velocity of app delivery
2) How code quality can be increased using real-time insight
4) How collaboration can be enhanced
3) How business impact measurement can be improved

I will provide examples of several enterprises and their success in improving business and operational impact with analytics.
I will also deliver a live demo featuring analytics to monitor application delivery lifecycle.

#WakaruDevOps webinaarisarjan tulevat osat ja DevOps Fundamentals kurssi: https://www.oppia.fi/

#WakaruDevOps on DevOps ja ketterien menetelmien parissa toimiville ja siitä kiinnostuneille tarkoitettu webinaarisarja, jossa tutustutaan DevOps ja ketteriin menetelmiin DASA (DevOps Agile Skills Association) DevOps koulutuskokonaisuuden kautta.

