Business responsiveness is challenged due to complex IT landscape

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RECORDING: Business responsiveness is challenged due to complex IT landscape

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Whitepaper downloadTietoEVRY SIAM - Integrating customer IT ecosystem for digital business with intelligence

SIAM is needed to remove the complexity; through Consolidation, harmonisation, enabling updated ways-of-working, use of DevOps and other frameworks. This is our Next generation Operational SIAM.

SIAM is needed to manage the complexity; we believe that when complexity is managed it becomes diversity. Diversity improves the capabilities to innovate and to maxime the benefits of digitalisation. This is our Next generation Enterpise SIAM.

In this session we tell you how we do the service management transformation with TietoEVRY Next generation SIAM.

This webinar is arranged with a Wave member TietoEvry.



Veli Pirttiaho, Head of TietoEVRY SIAM

Kapil Vidhani, Head of SIAM Services

Aki Kupiainen, SIAM Concept & Offerings

Read more!

Timo Keinänen, Wave: timo.keinanen(at)

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